A few new night pics of my V6.

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    Original von 1976Andre
    was wurde denn an den Frontscheinwerfern verändert?

    Icvh würd sagen : NIX, das sind wohl die Nachrüstscheinwerfer von HELLA oder IN.PRO im Jubi-Look, sollte es nicht so sein dann hat er ne Joey-Mod gemacht, das kostet dann aber auch nur n paar ¤.

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  • 1976Andre: Die scheinwerfen sind "FK Smoked Mk4". Aber sie hat kein kvalität. Die nebelscheinwerfen hat den plastik geschmolzen. Ich epfehlen sie irgentdein das Joey-mod oder ein par jubi original.

    Mogul: Thanx, I hope so, at the moment, the interior is being modded.

    The outside has to wait until the snow and ice is gone, eeeeh april that is ;(

    The look will be clean but a little different. Don't know what wheels yet. I was thinking Phaeton or BBSs. What do you think? LeMans are really nice, but too expensive, they are ¤1100 each here in Schweden.

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    Original von Swedishguy
    The look will be clean but a little different. Don't know what wheels yet. I was thinking Phaeton or BBSs. What do you think? LeMans are really nice, but too expensive, they are ¤1100 each here in Schweden.

    You could go for the fake LeMans, the Rial Daytona's, they're cheaper, but not for free when u know what i mean. They still have their price.
    But if you go for a clean look, Phaeton rims would be sick, but im not sure if they can be mounted on the wagon due to the different bolt pattern, even with the adapters ( stand too wide out then ) i see problems.

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    Original von HustnSaftSchmuggla
    coooooool, very niccccccce car...... the colour is GREAT! perfect red ;)


    nice car...!

    creat colour!!!!!!

    perfect red!!!!!!


    Ich glaub, ich hab einen Tinnitus im Auge..., ich sehe nur Pfeifen!

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